CS444/544: Latest Announcements

Aug 12

A solution to Project 5 is available.

Aug 11

A solution to your final exam is available from your personal home page.

Aug 9

A solution to Homework 4 is available (source).

Aug 8
  1. The course website will be removed some time after this coming weekend.

  2. Unfortunately there has been an instance of academic dishonesty; I am in the process of taking action as per the course Academic Honesty Policy.

Aug 3
  1. A solution to Project 4 is available.

  2. The final exam will be held on Thu, Aug 10 from 11:30a to 1:30p. At 11:30a each student should pick up their randomly generated final from their personal home page on the course website. Within two hours, the answer should be uploaded as a PDF to a link which will be setup on brightspace.

    The exam will be comprehensive, but the emphasis will be on material not included for the midterm.

Aug 1
  1. Homework 4 is available (source).

  2. The last three slots for tomorrow's midterm will be delayed by 5 minutes: i.e. the 12:50p slot will start at 12:55p, the 1:10p slot will start at 1:15p and the 1:30 slot will start at 1:35p.

  3. The midterm instructions have been updated. In particular, please make sure your VM screen is set up as shown in the figure before you enter the zoom meeting.

Jul 29
  1. Project 5 is available (source).

  2. A solution to Homework 3 is available (source).

Jul 28

Based on questions from students, the hint for copy-paste in Project 4 has been updated.

Jul 27

More JavaScript and Web Exercises are available.

Jul 23
  1. A solution to Project 3 is available.

  2. The zdu:2345 server has been restarted with a spreadsheet for each student $USER initialized to the contents of test2-ss.json.

Jul 19

Project 4 is available (source).

Jul 17

Homework 3 is available (source).

Jul 13

I will be slow to respond to emails over this coming weekend.

Jul 12

Web Exercises are available.

Jul 11
  1. Midterm Instructions for the midterm are available.

  2. A solution to Homework 2 is available (source).

Jul 7

Project 3 is available (source).

Archived announcements.