Since a student will be receiving an individual grade for the course,
it is imperative that all work turned in by each student reflect only
his or her individual effort. Any attempt to collaborate on the
answer to assigned work like homeworks, projects or exams will
minimally result in receiving a zero on that assignment and having
your letter grade for the course being dropped by one position:
i.e. an A-
will become a B+
and a B
will become a B-
. This
penalty will be imposed in order to be fair to the vast majority of
students who are turning in work based solely on their individual
Discussing material covered in class or even the questions on an assignment is encouraged. However, you are not permitted to discuss the answers to any of the questions. Specifically, you should not be discussing answers to questions with any person, whether or not that person is a classmate.
For homework, you are encouraged to use external resources like the WWW or the library. However, your answer should always acknowledge and cite these external sources.
When using the WWW for assignments, your use should be passive rather than active. You may passively look at material already present, but should not actively ask questions related to the assignment to either a person or to an AI.
If an answer or portion of an answer is taken verbatim from an external source, then it must be clearly indicated. This must be done even if this is taken from an earlier solution.
If you do the work for an assignment but let a friend copy from that assignment, you will also be penalized.