The exam will test for your knowledge of concepts, not syntax. So you just need to know that a function having some functionality exists in a library without rembering the name of the function or the order of its arguments.
Note that specifications provided for problems will be somewhat vague. You will need to translate those vague specifications into concrete function headers.
Before arriving at the zoom meeting at your scheduled time for your oral midterm:
Please turn on your camera.
Please be prepared to share an x2go session running on your VM.
Within this x2go session, please ensure that you have a browser window open to your Personal Home Page. In another window to its side, please open the TypeScript Playground. This side-by-side windows should be set up as shown below:
Have your favorite code editor open in your VM (most probably this will not be used).
Have a nodejs repl running in a terminal (most probably this will not be used).
Please set up everything with reasonably large fonts. Also make sure that you are not using an unreadable color scheme like dark blue on a black background.