Git Setup

You will be using git for accessing all course material as well as for project submissions:

  • All course material is maintained on a git repository hosted on a CS department machine. You will be mirroring this repository on your VM.

    You should access course files only via this mirror. DO NOT DOWNLOAD MATERIAL DIRECTLY FROM THE WEB SITE.

  • You will be submitting your course projects using a private git repository on

  • Project submission will be done from a clone of your github repository on your VM.

This document assumes that you have already set up your VM.

This document provides step-by-step directions for mirroring the course repository and setting up your github repository. You can obtain basic familiarity with git by looking at the copious documentation and tutorials available on the web. This presentation is recommended.

Git Setup

Set up your global git identity on your VM:

$ git config --global "Jane Doe"
$ git config --global ""

Substitute your name and email address suitably above.

Mirror Course Git Repository on your VM

  1. On your VM, create a public-private key-pair:

        $ ssh-keygen 

    If you accept the defaults, you will create a private key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa and the corresponding public key in ~/.ssh/ The former should be retained on your VM whereas the latter may be distributed to machines to which you would like to access from your VM.

  2. Copy the public member of the above key-pair to remote.cs:

    $ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    where LOGIN is your login-id on remote.cs.

    You will be prompted for your password on remote.cs.

    Verify that you can now ssh from your VM to remote.cs without having to provide your password.

  3. Clone the course web site into your home directory:

    $ cd ~
    $ git clone

    where LOGIN is your login-id on remote.cs. All the files contained within the course web site should be copied into a cs544 sub-directory.

    If you need to type in your remote.cs password, you have not set up your ssh key correctly. Please review the earlier step to see where you may have gone wrong.

  4. Go into the newly cloned cs544 directory. You should then see all the course web site files.

    This will ensure that scripts can find the directory.

You should never be writing into this directory.

Setting Up Your Github Repository

We will also be using git for project submissions:

  • You will be submitting your course projects to a private git repository on which you share with the grader.

  • Projects/labs submissions will be done from a clone of your github repository on your VM.

Quick Start

If you know what you are doing, this tl;dr section should largely suffice:

  1. Set up a personal github account and create a private i444 or i544 git repository, depending on the course you are registered for. Choose the github options to generate a .gitignore for node and initialize your repository with a README.

  2. Set up the grader with github user id denyshubh to have access to your repository.

    As there are many similar names and some people may have multiple accounts, make 100% sure that you have the correct github accounts (the above ID must match).

  3. Clone your github repository into your home directory on your VM.

  4. Use a submit subdirectory within the cloned directory for working on projects. If submitting late, email the grader for that project.

The following sections explain each of the above steps in detail.

Setting Up A Git Hub Repository Details

Each student needs to set up a private git repository called i444 or i544 (depending on the course you are registered for) on github. It will be referred to as iX44 in the sequel. This repository needs to be shared with your CS 444/544 grader and will be used for submitting projects for grading.

  1. Point a browser to

  2. Click on Sign Up, and complete the form. You may choose any appropriate Username, but it is strongly recommended that you use the user-name associated with your email (if it is available).

    Please ensure that you provide your email address in the Email address field. This may make it slightly easier for the grader to associate your github account with your BU id.

  3. Please complete all necessary steps to complete your registration on github after satisfying their captcha and submitting the form.

  4. Set up your account appropriately. On the github page, access your account using the user icon on the top right of the page and selecting Settings. Select SSH and GPG keys from the left hand menu, then click New SSH key.

    On a terminal in your VM cat ~/.ssh/ and then copy-and-paste the output of that command into the provided Key box. Submit the form to set up your new key.

  5. To set up a project for the course, click on the green New button on your github home page.

    1. Fill in the repository name as i444 or i544, depending on the course you are registered for (this is absolutely essential).

    2. Provide a suitable description for the repository.

    3. Make sure that you set up your repository as Private.

    4. Select Add a README file.

    5. Specify a .gitignore file for node.

    Hit the Create repository button.

  6. Go to your repository using the link you will now find on your github homepage. Go to Settings->Collaborators from the left-hand side navigation. Add the grader with github user id denyshubh as a collaborator.

    As there are many similar names and some people may have multiple accounts, make 100% sure that you have the correct github accounts (the above ID must match).

    This will provide the grader access to your repository once the invitation to collaborate is accepted.

Initializing Your Repository on your VM

Clone your github repository into your ~/projects directory:

$ cd ~

You can copy and paste YOUR_GITHUB_PROJECT_URL from your github project page. Click the green <> Code button and then copy the SSH url into your clipboard by using the copy widget on the right of the url.

If you get an error when doing so, verify that you have correctly uploaded your public ssh key to github.

If you cd over to your i?44 directory and do a ls -a you should see both the and .gitignore files. Feel free to add names/patterns into .gitignore file for files which should be ignored by git. For example, if you are using emacs as your text editor, you may want to add in a line containing *~ to tell git to ignore emacs backup files.

Make sure that all updates have been pushed over to github:

$ cd ~/i?44
$ git status -s #see if there are changes you want to commit
$ git commit -a -m 'SOME COMMIT MSG' #commit if necessary
$ git push #push changes to github

You should feel free to create any other subdirectories within your i?44 directory. The only directory which will be monitored for submitted assignments is the submit directory in the main branch.

Maintaining the Course Repository Clone

You can set up automated updates for your cs544 course repository. You can also manually update it and use git to track changes.

Automatically Tracking cs544 Changes

You should set up a cron job to update your ~/cs544 directory from the course git repository:


where YOUR_FAVORITE_EDITOR is the command you use to start your preferred editor. It should open up showing you an initial crontab file. Add the following line at the end:

BB * * * * cd ~/cs544; git pull > /dev/null

where BB is your B-number modulo 60. Ensure that you have a newline at the end of this line. Save the file and exit your editor.

The cron job should update your repository every hour at BB minutes past the hour (by specifying the minutes using part of your B-number, we ensure that students do not all update at the same time, potentially causing an overload).

You should treat this directory as a read-only directory.

Manually Tracking cs544 Changes

If necessary, you can also manually update your ~/cs544 directory:

     $ ( cd ~/cs544;  git pull )

You can get a summary of all git changes by running a Ruby script:

$ cd ~/cs544
$ bin/git-changes.rb .

This will output a summary of all git changes since the last time you ran the script (it records the time via a timestamp stored in ~/cs544/.last-login). It will not produce any output the first time you run the script.

If you want to see all the commits in a particular directory like hw/hw1:

$ cd ~/cs544
$ git log --oneline -- hw/hw1
dcdef92 minor hw1 changes
05fc1a1 added hw1; minor correction to prj1

Your commit id's and messages will differ.

If you want to see the details of a particular commit, use:

$ git log --stat dcdef92^!

To see the diff's for a particular commit-id:

$ git show dcdef92

To restrict the diff's to a particular path:

$ git show dcdef92 -- hw/hw1/hw1.umt

Working On and Submitting Projects

A common git workflow is to work on new program features in separate git branches and merge each feature branch in to the main branch when the feature is complete. This course will expose you to this workflow by regarding each project as a separate feature and using a separate branch for developing each project.

The following lists generic steps necessary to work on your first project prj1. You will need to adapt those steps for subsequent projects.

  • Note that what is listed here are generic instructions, if the project provides specific instructions, then those instructions override those provided here.

  • The git commit comments specified by the -m option are only examples; you may replace them with more suitable comments.

  1. Create a branch and a new directory for working on your project:

        $ cd ~/i?44                #goto local clone of github
        $ git checkout -b prj1     #create new branch
        $ git push -u origin prj1  #push new branch to remote
        $ mkdir -p submit          #ensure you have a submit dir
        $ cd submit       	       #enter project dir
        $ cp -r ~/cs544/projects/prj1/prj1-sol .  #copy provided files
        $ cd prj1-sol              #change over to new project dir
  2. Set up this project as an npm package:

        npm init -y		     #create package.json
  3. Commit into git:

        $ git add .   #add contents of directory to git 
        $ git commit -m 'started prj1' #commit locally
        $ git push -u origin prj1      #push branch with changes
                                       #to github
  4. Follow the directions given in your project assignemnt to set up typescript and any necessary library packages.

    If your project requires more external js modules:

        $ npm install MODULE...
        $ git commit -a -m 'added dependencies'
        $ git push
  5. Work on your project. You should get into the habit of committing and pushing frequently, making it easy for you to recover from unsuccessful changes or a crashed VM. Some git commands which may prove useful:

    • List local branches using git branch -l. The current branch will have an asterisk next to it.

    • Switch the current branch to branch B using git checkout B.

    • Add new files, directories and changes to the git staging area using git add.

              $ git add *.mjs #add all js files in current dir
              $ git add .     #all all files, dirs, changes in
                              #current dir to git staging area
    • Commit changes locally.

              $ git commit -m 'MSG'    #commit staging area
                                       #with message MSG
              $ git commit -a -m 'MSG' #commit staging area
                                       #and all working directory
    • Push all committed local changes to remote github repository using git push.

  6. Once your project is complete, move it over to the main branch and submit it by pushing it to github:

        $ git checkout main #go to main branch
        $ git status -s #should show no outstanding changes;
                        #otherwise add and commit till git status
                        #shows no outstanding changes
        $ git checkout prj1 #go to project branch
        $ git status -s #should show no outstanding changes;
                        #otherwise add and commit till git status
                        #shows no outstanding changes
        $ git merge main   #merge any changes from main.
                           #should not cause any conflicts
                           #since all and only prj1 changes are
                           #in this branch
        $ git commit -m 'merge main' #commit
        $ git push                     #and push changes 
        $ git checkout main #back to main branch
        $ git merge prj1    #should be a fast-foward merge
        $ git commit -m 'merge prj1 sol'
        $ git push  #submit project on main branch

    You should use the github web interface to verify that the project has been submitted correctly to github.

    If you are sufficiently paranoid (in general, you should be paranoid when working with computers :-( ), you will verify that it is possible to run your project using only what you submitted to github:

        $ mkdir -p ~/tmp
        $ cd ~/tmp
        $ git clone YOUR_GITHUB_REPO_URL
        $ cd
          # setup symlink at same dir level as your i?44 symlink
        $ ln -s tmp/i?44 tmp-github-repo
        $ cd tmp-github-repo/submit/prj1-sol
        $ npm ci #build your project

    You can now test your project. If everything is ok:

        $ rm ~/tmp-github-repo
        $ cd ~/tmp
        $ rm -rf i?44  #rm cloned project

    If you discover errors in your project after your initial submission, you can resubmit; the project submission time will be the time of the last submit.

  7. Once you are happy with your project submission, you can clean up the project branch:

        $ git push -d origin prj1 #rm remote branch
        $ git branch -d prj1      #rm local branch

If you submit late, please email the grader.


Official Git Site.

Scott Chacon, Ben Straub, Pro Git.

Reference Documentation

Anish Athalye, Version Control (Git); Part of MIT Missing Semester; Highly recommended.