

  • Traditional way of packaging up parameterized code for subsequent execution.

  • Functions are first-class: need not have a name ("anonymous"), can be passed as parameters, returned as results, stored in data structure.

  • Functions can be nested within one another.

  • Closures preserve the referencing environment of a function.

Current Object Context

  • During execution of a function, there is always an implicit object, referred to using this.

  • Using the word "this" while speaking can cause confusion; hence when speaking, I will usually pronounce this as self.

  • this cannot be assigned to.

  • Usually, this depends on how the function was called, it can be different for the same function during different calls.

  • In global contexts (outside any function), this refers to the global object.

  • When strict mode is not in effect, in a simple function call fn() without any receiver, this will refer to the global object.

  • When strict mode is in effect, in a simple function call fn() without any receiver, this will refer to the value within the calling context.

Current Object Context Continued

  • When called with a receiver using the dot notation, this (usually) refers to the receiver. So when f() is called using o.f(), the use of this within the call refers to o.

  • It is possible to set the context dynamically using apply(), call() and bind().

  • When a function call is preceeded by the new operator, the call is treated as a call to a constructor function and this refers to the newly created object.

  • globalThis provides a standard way to access the "global" object across platforms; i.e. it references window on a browser platform and global on nodejs.

Using call()

Allows control of this when calling a function with a fixed number of arguments known at program writing time.

  • All functions have a call property which allows the function to be called. Hence

        let f = function(...) { ... };
        let o = ...;, a1, a2); //like o.f(a1, a2)
                           //but o may not contain a f()
  • Within function body, this will refer to o.

  • call allows changing this only for functions defined using function, not for fat-arrow functions.

Example of Using call to control this

> obj1 = { 
    x: 22,
    f: function(a, b) { return this.x*a + b; }
> obj2 = { x: 42 }
{ x: 42 }
> obj1.f(2, 1)
>, 2, 1) //obj1 as this.
>, 2, 1) //obj2 as this

VarArgs in Legacy JavaScript: Using arguments

Pseudo-variable arguments is not a real array:

> function f() { return => v*2); }
> f(1, 2, 3)
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
    at f (REPL94:1:33)

Legacy workaround:

> function f() {
    return Array.prototype.slice
      .call(arguments).map(v => v*2);
> f(1, 2, 3)
[ 2, 4, 6 ]

VarArgs in Current JavaScript

function f() {
  return [ ...arguments].map(i => i + 1);

or, more simply, just use a rest parameter:

function f(...args) {
  return => i + 1);

Using apply()

Allows control of this when calling a function with a number of arguments not known at program writing time.

  • All functions have a apply property which allows the function to be called. Hence

        let f = function(...) { ... };
        let o = ...;
        f.apply(o, [a1, a2]); //like o.f(a1, a2)
                              //but o may not contain a f()
  • Within function body, this will refer to o.

  • apply equivalent to call using spread operator; i.e. f.apply(o, args) is the same as, ...args).

Playing with this Within a Module

Modules always have an implicit 'using strict'; declaration.

All assertions in this-play.mjs pass.

//strict mode is on 
import assert from 'assert';  

//top-level this in nodejs
assert(this === undefined);

//plain function call using strict
function f1() {  return this; }
assert(f1() === undefined);

Playing with this Within a Module Continued

//plain function call with explicit strict
function f2() {
  'use strict';
  return this;
assert(f2() === undefined);

const obj1 = { a: 22, f: function() { return this; } }

//like plain function call
const g = obj1.f;
assert(g() === undefined);

//normal object call
assert(obj1.f() === obj1);

Playing with this Within a Module Continued

//change this using call
assert( === obj1);
assert( === Array);

Playing with this Within a Script

Unlike modules, scripts always start in non- strict mode.

All assertions in this-play.js pass:

//strict mode is off
const assert = require('assert');

//top-level this in nodejs
assert(this === module.exports);

//plain function call without strict
function f1() {  return this; }
assert(f1() === global);

Playing with this Within a Script Continued

//plain function call with strict
function f2() {
  'use strict';
  return this;
assert(f2() === undefined);

const obj1 = { a: 22, f: function() { return this; } }

//like plain function call
const g = obj1.f;
assert(g() === global);

//normal object call
assert(obj1.f() === obj1);

Playing with this Within a Script Continued

//change this using call
assert( === obj1);
assert( === Array);

Using bind()

bind() fixes this for a particular function.

> x = 44
> a = { x: 2, getX: function() { return this.x; } }
> a.getX()
> f = a.getX
> f() //global x
> b = { x: 42 }
> f = a.getX.bind(b)
> f() //b.x

Using bind() Continued

Can also be used to specify fixed values for some initial sequence of arguments. Can be used to implement currying.

> function sum(...args) {
    return args.reduce((acc, v) => acc + v);
... ... undefined
> sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
> add12 = sum.bind(null, 5, 7) //passing this as null
[Function: bound sum]
> add12(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Difference in this between function and Fat-Arrow

  • Within a nested function defined using function, this refers to global object.

  • Within a nested function defined using the fat-arrow notation, this refers to that in the containing function.

Difference in this between function and Fat-Arrow Example

> x = 22
> function Obj() { this.x = 42; }
> Obj.prototype.f = function() {
    return function() { return this.x; }
> Obj.prototype.g = function() {
    return () => this.x;
> obj = new Obj()
> obj.f()() //this refers to global obj
> obj.g()() //this refers to defn obj

Common Idiom Used for Workaround for function this

> Obj.prototype.h = function() {
    const that = this;
    return function() { return that.x; }
> obj.h()() //access enclosing this via that
> obj.f()() //unchanged

Nested Functions and Closures

  • A function can include nested function definitions.

  • A nested function can include references to variables declared not within itself but in its enclosing function; i.e. it has a referencing environment.

  • A closure captures both the code of a function and its referencing environment.

  • In general, JS functions are always closures which capture their referencing environment.

  • Can use closures to get stronger information hiding than that provided by objects.

Hiding Instance Variables: Bank Account

function Account(balance) {
  return {
    deposit: amount => balance += amount,
    withdraw: amount => balance -= amount,
    inquire: () => balance,

a1 = new Account(100);
a2 = new Account(100);
console.log(`a1: ${a1.inquire()}`);
console.log(`a2: ${a2.inquire()}`);

Bank Account Log

$ nodejs account.js 
a1: 120
a2: 80

Functions Are Objects

> function add(a, b) { return a + b; }
> typeof add
> add.constructor
[Function: Function]
> add.x = 22
> add[42] = 'life'
> add(3, 5)
> add.x
> add[42]

Function Properties for Memoization: Fibonacci

Memoize function by caching return values as a property of the function.

function fib(n) {
  return (n <= 1) ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

//memoizing fibonacci caches results
//in function property
function memo_fib(n) {
  memo_fib.memo = memo_fib.memo || {};
  if (memo_fib.memo[n] === undefined) {
    memo_fib.memo[n] =
      (n <= 1) ? n
      : memo_fib(n - 1) + memo_fib(n - 2);
  return memo_fib.memo[n];

Function Properties for Memoization: Fibonacci Continued

const N = 45;
[fib, memo_fib].forEach(function(f) {
  console.log(`${}(${N}) = ${f(N)}`);

Fibonacci Log

$ ./fib.js 
fib(45) = 1134903170
fib: 10080.337ms
memo_fib(45) = 1134903170
memo_fib: 0.216ms

Defining Function Using Function() Constructor

Many dynamic languages allow converting strings into code. JavaScript supports this using eval() as well as via a Function constructor. Function() somewhat less problematic than eval().

> x = max3 = new Function('a', 'b',
                          'return a > b ? a : b')
[Function: anonymous]
> max3(4, 3)
> x(4, 3)
> x.length