Introduction to JavaScript/TypeScript


  • History.

  • Supported programming paradigms.

  • Partial list of features.

  • JS platforms.

Brief History

  • JS was written by Brendan Eich within 10 days in May, 1995 at Netscape Communications. Name chosen based on marketing considerations to cash in on the popularity of Java.

  • Microsoft released jscript in 1996. Incompatibilities introduced (embrace, extend and extinguish).

  • Standardized as EcmaScript in June 1997 (ECMA-262).

  • JavaScript got a bad reputation and was regarded as a poor programming language used for doing trivial things in the browser. Complexities caused by browser incompatibilities and the browser Document Object Model (DOM) were blamed on the language.

  • Changed with the emergence of Asynchronous JAvascript with Xml (AJAX) in 2005.

Brief History Continued

  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) popularized by Douglas Crockford emerged as a popular alternative to XML as a specification for data interchange between heterogeneous systems.

  • Renaissance in js development. Browser incompatibilities and DOM complexities hidden by the use of libraries like prototype, jquery and dojo.

  • Server-side nodejs released by Ryan Dahl in 2009. Popularized the use of js on the server.

  • Succession of different ECMA standards: es 3, es 5. Currently, evolving as an "evergreen " language with standard updates being released yearly: es 2015 .... 2022, next version referred to as esnext.

  • JS allows the use of a single programming language across the entire web stack. Most popular programming language in terms of deployments.

  • TS released in 2012, developed at Microsoft by Anders Hejlsberg.

Multi-Paradigm Language

JavaScript supports programming using multiple paradigms:

  • Imperative / Procedural.

  • Object-oriented.

  • Functional.

Imperative Programming

  • Imperative programming gives a step-by-step description to a computer how to solve a problem.

  • AKA procedural programming as program is a how-to procedure to solve a problem.

  • Involved mutating shared state.

  • Maps very closely to operation of computer; relatively low abstraction.

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Package data and functions associated with that data together into objects.

  • Objects can provide encapsulation.

  • Usually some kind of inheritance (JS uses a non-traditional model of inheritance).

  • Classes are not essential to JS OO programming.

Functional Programming

JS supports multiple degrees of functional programming:

  • Pure functions: the result of a function depends only on its arguments; it is not allowed to do anything other than return a result. It cannot change any global state, including I/O.

    It is possible to write pure functions even in a language like C.

  • First-class functions. Functions can be treated like any other datatype: stored in variables, passed between functions.

  • Lack of mutation; clumsy but not impossible in JS. Facilitated by libraries like immutable.js. Forced in languages like Haskell.

Some JavaScript Features

  • Dynamically typed: variables are untyped, but values have types. Permits the use of duck typing.

  • Initially interpreted, now compiled using techniques like runtime compilation.

  • Borrows concepts from Scheme, Perl and Self.

  • Possible to evaluate strings representing code at runtime using eval().

  • Allows reentering a function invocation using generators.

  • Standard library is highly asynchronous.

TypeScript Types Overview

  • TypeScript types are based on algebraic types. Specifically, a type is a set of values while operations on types correspond to operations on sets like cartesian product, set-union and set-intersection.

  • Primitive types like string, number, boolean, void, null, undefined.

  • Types any and unknown (which is a type-safe counterpart to any).

  • Array of type \(\;T\) specified as \(\;T\)[].

  • Tuple of types \(\;T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_n\) specified as [ \(T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_n\) ]. This is an example of a product type (corresponding to the set cartesian product).

  • Named tuples written as {name: string, age?: number}. Note that the ? indicates that age is optional.

  • Sum type (corresponding to set union) indicated as \(\;T_1\) | \(T_2\) | \(\ldots\) | \(T_n\). Can be tagged or untagged.

  • type Name = Type specifies Name as an alias for Type.

A TypeScript Example

In adt-example.ts ( TS playground)

//TS algebraic data types for domain modelling

//sum type
type PaymentType = 'CASH' | 'CARD' | 'CHECK';

type BasePayment = { kind: PaymentType };
type CardType = 'MasterCard' | 'Visa';

//intersection and product types
type CreditCard = BasePayment & {
  kind: 'CARD',
  cardType: CardType,
  cardNumber: string

type Check = BasePayment &
  {checkNumber: number } & {kind: 'CHECK', };

type Cash = BasePayment & {kind: 'CASH', };

//sum type
type PaymentMethod = CreditCard | Check | Cash;

//product type
type Payment = {
  method: PaymentMethod,
  amount: number

JavaScript Platforms

JavaScript runs on two main platforms:

  1. Browser: Platform provides interfaces to numerous browser technologies like the Document Object Model DOM and browser storage.

  2. Server: Exemplified by nodejs. Platform provides access to filesystem, processes, etc.