

  • Review of object basics.

  • Prototypes and inheritance.

  • Use of class syntax.

  • Property meta-information.

  • Monkey patching.

Review of Object Basics

An object is merely a named collection of name-value pairs (which include functions). Values are referred to as object properties.

> x = { a: 9 }  //Object literal notation
{ a: 9 }
> x.a
> delete x.a
> x
> delete x.a   //false returned only for non-config
true           //property in non-strict mode

Object Basics Continued

> x = { a: 9,   //anon function is value for f
        f: function(a, b) { return a + b; },
	g(a, b) { return a*b; }, //sugared syntax
	neg: a => -a,
> x.g(3, 4)
> x.neg(2)
> x = 'a'
> { [x]: 42 }  //dynamic property name.
{ a: 42 }
> { x }  //prop named 'x' with value x
{ x: 'a' }

Motivating Example for Prototypes: Complex Numbers

const c1 = {
  x: 1,
  y: 1,
  toString: function() {
    return `${this.x} + ${this.y}i`
  magnitude: function() {
    return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);

Motivating Example for Prototypes: Complex Numbers Continued

const c2 = {
  x: 3,
  y: 4,
  toString: function() {
    return `${this.x} + ${this.y}i`
  magnitude: function() {
    return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);

console.log(`${c1.toString()}: ${c1.magnitude()}`);
console.log(`${c2.toString()}: ${c2.magnitude()}`);

Motivating Example for Prototypes: Complex Numbers Continued

$ nodejs ./complex1.js
1 + 1i: 1.4142135623730951
3 + 4i: 5

Note that each complex number has its own copy of the toString() and magnitude() functions.

Using a Prototype Object to Hold Common Functions

complexFns = {
  toString: function() {
    return `${this.x} + ${this.y}i`
  magnitude: function() {
    return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);

Using a Prototype Object to Hold Common Functions: Continued

//use complexFns as prototype for c1
const c1 = Object.create(complexFns);  
c1.x = 1; c1.y = 1;

//use complexFns as prototype for c2
const c2 = Object.create(complexFns);
c2.x = 3; c2.y = 4;

console.log(`${c1.toString()}: ${c1.magnitude()}`);
console.log(`${c2.toString()}: ${c2.magnitude()}`);

Prototype Chains

  • Each object has an internal [[Prototype]] property.

  • When looking up a property, the property is first looked for in the object; if not found then it is looked for in the object's prototype; if not found there, it is looked for in the object's prototype's prototype. The lookup continues up the prototype chain until the property is found or the prototype is null.

  • Note that the prototype chain is only used for property lookup. When a property is assigned to, the assignment is made directly in the object; the prototype is not used at all.

  • Prototype can be accessed using Object.getPrototypeOf() or __proto__ property (supported by most browsers, being officially blessed by standards, but is no longer recommended).

Object Methods

The Object class has many useful methods. Some particularly useful ones:


Returns new object with prototype proto.


Assign source properties to target, with later source properties overwriting earlier ones. Returns target.


All non-inherited property names.

Object.keys(), Object.values(), Object.entries(), Object.fromEntries()

Enumerable keys, values and key-value pairs.


  • Every function has a prototype property. The Function constructor initializes it to something which looks like { constructor: this }.

  • Any function which is invoked preceeded by the new prefix operator is being used as a constructor.

  • Within the body of a function invoked as a constructor, this refers to a newly created object instance with [[prototype]] internal property set to the prototype property of the function.

  • Hence the prototype property of the function provides access to the prototype for the object instance; specifically, assigning to a property of the function prototype is equivalent to assigning to the object prototype.

  • By convention, constructor names start with an uppercase letter.

Constructor Example

function Complex(x, y) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;

Complex.prototype.toString = function() {
  return `${this.x} + ${this.y}i`
Complex.prototype.magnitude = function() {
  return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y);

const c1 = new Complex(1, 1);
const c2 = new Complex(3, 4);

console.log(`${c1.toString()}: ${c1.magnitude()}`);
console.log(`${c2.toString()}: ${c2.magnitude()}`);

Constructor Return Value

  • Normally a constructor function does not explicitly return a value. In that case, the return value is set to a reference to the newly created object.

  • However, if the return value is explicitly set to an object (not a primitive), then that object is return'd from the constructor.

  • Makes it possible to have constructor hide instance variables using closure.

  • Makes it possible to have a constructor share instances by not returning the newly created instance.

Sharing Instances

Can use constructor return value to cache object instances to avoid creating a new instance unnecessarily.

const cache = { };

//... is pseudo-code, not rest
function SomeInstance(id, ...) { 
  if (cache[id]) return cache[id];
  //construct new instance as usual
  cache[id] = this;

Classical Inheritance

  • We could implement classical inheritance using a pattern like Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype). Hence Child will inherit properties from Parent.

  • Older code may use a pattern like Child.prototype = new Parent(). Problems include the fact that the Parent constructor is run (which may have undesirable side-effects) and how do we handle arguments to the Parent constructor if it expects arguments.

  • Note that we create a new object for Child's prototype rather than simply Parent as we do not want assignments to Child.prototype to affect Parent.

  • Since the constructor is stored in an object's prototype, in both cases we need to fix up the constructor: Child.prototype.constructor = Child.

  • Problematic in that we need to apply this pattern. Could wrap within a function inherit(), but still messy (see Crockford).

  • Also, classical inheritance is generally problematic.

JavaScript Classes

  • Added in es6 to make programmers coming in from other languages more comfortable.

  • Create a new class using a class declaration.

  • Create a new class using a class expression.

  • Inheritance using extends.

  • Static methods.

  • Can extend builtin classes.

  • Private instance and static fields and methods (since ES2022).

  • Static initialization blocks (since ES2022).

  • Very thin layer around prototype-based inheritance. See this for tradeoffs.

Shapes Example

class Shape {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.x = x; this.y = y;

  //possibly poor design
  static distance(s1, s2) {
    const xDiff = s1.x - s2.x;
    const yDiff = s1.y - s2.y;
    return Math.sqrt(xDiff*xDiff + yDiff*yDiff);

Shapes Example Continued

class Rect extends Shape {
  constructor(x, y, w, h) {
    super(x, y);
    this.width = w; this.height = h;
  area() { return this.width*this.height; }

class Circle extends Shape {
  constructor(x, y, r) {
    super(x, y);
    this.radius = r;
  area() { return Math.PI*this.radius*this.radius; }

Shapes Example Driver and Log

const shapes = [
  new Rect(3, 4, 5, 6),
  new Circle(0, 0, 1),

shapes.forEach((s) => console.log(s.x, s.y, s.area()));

console.log(Shape.distance(shapes[0], shapes[1]));

$ ./shapes.js 
3 4 30
0 0 3.141592653589793

Property Attributes

> a = { x: 22 }
{ x: 22 }
> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(a)
{ x: 
   { value: 22,
     writable: true,
     enumerable: true,         //loop for...in
     configurable: true } }    //change descr; delete
> Object.defineProperty(a, 'y', {})
{ x: 22 }

Property Attributes Continued

> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(a)
{ x: 
   { value: 22,
     writable: true,
     enumerable: true,
     configurable: true },
   { value: undefined,
     writable: false,
     enumerable: false,
     configurable: false } }

Property Attributes Continued

> delete(a['x'])
> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(a)
{ y: 
   { value: undefined,
     writable: false,
     enumerable: false,
     configurable: false } }
> delete(a['y'])
> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(a)
{ y: 
   { value: undefined,
     writable: false,
     enumerable: false,
     configurable: false } }

Property Getter

> obj = { get len() { return this.value.length; } }
{ len: [Getter] }
> obj.value = [1, 2]
[ 1, 2 ]
> obj.len
> obj.value = [1, 2, 3]
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
> obj.len

Property Setter

Use property x as proxy for property _x while counting # of changes to property x.

> obj = {
  nChanges: 0, 
  get x() { return this._x; },
  set x(v) {
     if (v !== this._x) this.nChanges++; 
     this._x = v;

Property Setter Continued

> obj.x
> obj.x = 22
> obj.nChanges
> obj.x = 42
> obj.nChanges
> obj.x = 42
> obj.nChanges

Field Definitions and Private Fields/Methods

# prefixed names are private in JS. Added in ES2022:

> class C {
    publicField = 22;
    #privateField = 33;
    static staticField;
    static #privateStatic = 55;
    #privateMethod() { return this.#privateField; }
    get someField() { return this.#privateMethod(); }
    static {
      console.log('static initialization block');
      C.staticField = 44;
static initialization block

Field Definitions and Private Fields/Methods: Continued

> c = new C()
C { publicField: 22 }
> c.someField
> c.staticField
> C.staticField
> C.#privateStatic;
SyntaxError: Private field '#privateStatic'
must be declared in an enclosing class

TypeScript has allowed private keyword in class declarations for many years.

Class Constants

  • Cannot define const within a class; following results in a syntax error:

        class C {
          static const constant = 42;
  • Use following pattern:

    class C {
      static #C = 42;
      static get constant() { return C.#C; }

Object Equality Examples

For both == and ===, objects are equal only if they have the same reference.

> {} == {}
> {} === {}        
> x = {}
> y = x
> x == y
> x === y

Review Arrays

Arrays are like objects except:

  • It has an auto-maintained length property (always set to 1 greater than the largest array index).

  • Arrays have their prototype set to Array.prototype ( Array.prototype has its prototype set to Object.prototype, hence arrays inherit object methods).

Enumerating Object Properties using for-in

for (let v in object) { ... }

  • Sets v to successive enumerable properties in object including inherited properties.

  • No guarantee on ordering of properties; specifically, no guarantee that it will go over array indexes in order. Better to use plain for or for-of.

  • Will loop over enumerable properties defined within the object as well as those inherited through the prototype chain.

  • If we want to iterate only over local properties, use getOwnPropertyNames() or hasOwnProperty() to filter.

Enumerating Example

> a = { x: 1 }
{ x: 1 }
> b = Object.create(a) //a is b's prototype
> b.y = 2
> for (let k in b) { console.log(k); }
> for (let k in b) {
    if (b.hasOwnProperty(k)) console.log(k);

Enumerating Example Continued

> names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b)
[ 'y' ]
> for (let k in names) { console.log(k); }
for (k of names) { console.log(k); }

Another Enumerating Example

> x = {a : 1, b: 2 }
{ a: 1, b: 2 }
> Object.defineProperty(x, 'c',
                        { value: 3}) //not enumerable
{ a: 1, b: 2 }
> x.c
> for (let k in x) { console.log(k); }
> x.c

Monkey Patching to Add a New Function

Built-in types can be changed at runtime: monkey-patching.

> '  abcd  '.trim()
> '  abcd  '.ltrim()  //trim only on left
TypeError: "  abcd  ".ltrim is not a function
> String.prototype.ltrim =
    String.prototype.ltrim || //do not change
    function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, ''); }
> '  abcd  '.ltrim()
'abcd  '

Monkey Patching to Modify an Existing Function

> const oldFn = String.prototype.replace
> String.prototype.replace = function(a1, a2) {
    const v = oldFn.call(this, a1, a2);
    console.log(`${this}.replace(${a1}, ${a2})=>${v}`);
    return v;
> ' aabcaca'.replace(/aa+/, 'x')
 aabcaca.replace(/aa+/, x)=> xbcaca
' xbcaca'
> ' aabcaca'.replace(/a/g, (x, i) => String(i))
 aabcaca.replace(/a/g, (x, i) => String(i))=> 12bc5c7
' 12bc5c7'