Basic regex's.
Regex's provide special syntax for string matching.
Allows matching, sub-string extraction and substitution.
Initially popularized by early Unix tools.
Indispensable tool in every programmer's toolbox.
A regular expression literal can be written within /
Matches the string "hello"
Matches either the string "hello"
or the string "world"
is the alternation operator.
Matches either the string "hello"
or the string "Hello"
is a character class equivalent to /(h|H)/
Matches a digit. [0-9]
is a range character class.
Matches a non-digit. [^0-9]
is a negated character class.
Matches either the string "worlds"
or the string "world"
is a suffix operator indicating that the preceeding
sub-regex is optional.
Matches one-or-more digits. +
is a suffix operator indicating
one-or-more matches of the preceeding regex.
Matches zero-or-more lowercase or uppercase alphabetic characters.
is a suffix operator indicating zero-or-more matches of the
preceeding regex.
So the basic regular expression operators in order of decreasing precedence are:
, one-or-more +
, zero-or-more *
Indicated by unary suffix operators.
Indicated by juxtaposition.
Indicated by infix binary operator |
Use parentheses (
to override default precedence.
Characters like +
, *
, ?
, (
, )
are part of the
regular expression notation and are referred to as
special characters or meta-characters.
Special characters can be escaped by preceeding them with a \
character. For example, /hello\*/
is a regex matching the
string "hello*"
The \
character can itself be escaped using a preceeding \
Hence /hello\\/
is a regex matching the string "hello"
followed by a \
Within a character class the usual meta-characters loose their
meaning and do not need to be escaped; the only characters which
are special are the range operator -
(though not at the start),
and the negated character class operator ^
(only at the start) and
for escaping.
Matches an integer with no non-significant leading zeros.
Matches an integer with an optional sign (no restriction on leading zeros).
Matches an integer with an optional suffix of l
of L
(no restriction
on leading zeros).
Matches the definition of an identifier in many programming languages. An identifier consists of one or more alphanumeric characters or underscores with the restriction that the first character cannot be a digit.
Method Invoking search(
on a string will return the index
of the start of the first match of regex in the string; -1 if not found.
> "abcd123".search(/[a-z]+[0-9]+/) 0 > "+-abcd123".search(/[a-z]+[0-9]+/) 2 > "+-abcd".search(/[a-z]+[0-9]+/) -1
MethodInvoking match(
on a string results in an "array":
Element 0 contains the entire match.
Elements \(\;n\) for \(\;n > 0\) contains the substring matched by the \(\;n\)'th capturing parentheses group.
An index
property contains the index of the
start of the match in the input string.
An input
property contains the input string.
Examples> "abc123".match(/[a-z]+[0-9]+/) [ 'abc123', index: 0, input: 'abc123' ] > "abc123".match(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) [ 'abc123', 'abc', '123', index: 0, input: 'abc123' ] > "+-/abc123".match(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) [ 'abc123', 'abc', '123', index: 3, input: '+-/abc123' ] > "+-abc123".match(/(([\-\+])[a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) [ '-abc123', '-abc', '-', '123', index: 1, input: '+-abc123' ] > [, a, b] = //destructuring 'abc3-123'.match(/([a-z0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)/) [ 'abc3-123', 'abc3', '123', index: 0, input: 'abc3-123' ] > [a, b] [ 'abc3', '123' ] >
MethodCan split a string on a regex:
> "ab, x12, de , f".split(/ +/) [ 'ab,', 'x12,', 'de', ',', 'f' ] > "ab, x12, de , f".split(/ *, */) [ 'ab', 'x12', 'de', 'f' ]
not portable as it depends on the character codes for
lowercase characters being adjacent in the underlying character set.
True in ASCII, but for example, in EBCDIC alphabetic character codes
are not contiguous.
A regular expression which matches any digit.
A regular expression which matches any non-digit.
A regular expression which matches any word-char (alphanumeric or
A regular expression which matches any non-word-char.
A regular expression which matches any whitespace character (blank, tab, newline etc.).
A regular expression which matches any non-whitespace character.
Matches any character other than newline.
Matches exactly 5 digits. Suffix {
means match
exactly n occurrences of preceeding regex.
Matches at least 5 digits. Suffix {
means match
at least n occurrences of preceeding regex.
Matches 2 - 5 digits. Suffix {
means match n through m occurrences of preceeding regex.
Matches an identifer containing upto 8 characters.
Does not actually match anything, just provides a context for other regex's to match. Often known as anchor's
Matches a digit but only at the start of the input string.
Can be set to match at start of a line if m
flag set.
Matches a digit but only at the end of the input string.
Can be set to match at end of a line if m
flag set.
Matches a m
but only on a word boundary. Hence it will
match only the first m
in the word "mommy"
Matches a m
which is not on a word boundary. Hence it will
match only the internal m
's in the word "mommy"
Just like /(\s|\w)\d+/
but (?: )
parentheses are
Captures \d+
into groups.num
> 'abc123'.match(/(?:\s|\w)(?<num>\d+)/).groups [Object: null prototype] { num: '123' } >
Normal quantifiers are greedy and attempt to match maximal text. Make
quantifier non-greedy or lazy by suffixing quantifier with a ?
> 'abc123'.match(/(\w*)(\d+)/).slice(1) [ 'abc12', '3' ] > 'abc123'.match(/(\w*?)(\d+)/).slice(1) [ 'abc', '123' ] > > '<a> <b>'.match(/\<.*\>/)[0] '<a> <b>' > '<a> <b>'.match(/\<.*?\>/)[0] '<a>' >
ConstructorConstructor constructs a regex from a string.
Can be used to build dynamic regex's depending on a variable.
Suffers from backslashitis.
> new RegExp('[abc]') /[abc]/ > someVar = 'x' 'x' > new RegExp(`${someVar}\\d`) /x\d/ > new RegExp(`${someVar}\\\\\\d`) /x\\\d/ >
An IPv4 internet address. Consists of 4 decimal numbers each
containing up to 3 digits, separated by .
A JavaScript single-line comment. 2 forward slashes followed by zero-or-more characters other than newline.
An optionally signed integer or floating point literal. The integer
part must be present. It may be optionally followed by a fraction
part which consists of a decimal point followed by one-or-more
digits. That too may optionally be followed by an exponent part which
consists of either an e
or an E
followed by an optional sign,
followed by one-or-more digits.
Specify flags after closing slash when using literal syntax or as a
string second argument to RegExp()
Case-insensitive. Equivalent to [hH][eE][lL][lL][oO]
Global search. Start search from index of last match of this regex in string.
Multiline flag changes ^
and $
to match only at the
start/end of a line.
Example gives a single-line comment starting with a #
in column 1 at the start of a line and continuing until the end of
the line.
Unfortunately, no way to include ignored formatting whitespace within
regex like the verbose /x
flag available in other languages like
Python or Ruby.
MethodLike match()
, but returns iterator over all matches. Must use
global g
> regex = /(?<x>\w+?)(?<y>\d+)/g > m = ' prj1, hw2 ## #quiz1 '.matchAll(regex) Object [RegExp String Iterator] {} > for (const a of m) { console.log(a.groups.x, a.groups.y); } prj 1 hw 2 quiz 1 undefined >
Can spread iterator returned from matchAll()
into an array
to get access to array methods.
> regex = /(?<x>\w+?)(?<y>\d+)/g /(?<x>\w+?)(?<y>\d+)/g > m = ' prj1, hw2 ## #quiz1 '.matchAll(regex) Object [RegExp String Iterator] {} > => x.groups) Uncaught TypeError: is not a function > [...m].map(x => x.groups) [ [Object: null prototype] { x: 'prj', y: '1' }, [Object: null prototype] { x: 'hw', y: '2' }, [Object: null prototype] { x: 'quiz', y: '1' } ] >
Methodstring.replace(regex|substr, replacement|function)
can contain:
Inserts a $
Inserts match.
Inserts portion of string
before match.
Inserts portion of string
after match.
Inserts text matched by n'th capturing parentheses in regex
Examples> 'the dog'.replace('dog', 'cat') 'the cat' > 'the Dog'.replace(/dog/i, 'cat') 'the cat' > 'the dog'.replace(/[aeiou]/, '') 'th dog' > 'the dog'.replace(/[aeiou]/g, '') 'th dg' > 'the dog123 fido; cat99 eve'. replace(/([^\d\s]+)(\d+)/g, '$1-$2') 'the dog-123 fido; cat-99 eve'
Examples Continued> '0 cats, 1 cat, 7 cats'.replace(/\d+/, function(match) { const n = Number(match); if (n === 0) { return 'zero'; } else if (n === 1) { return 'one'; } else { return 'many'; } }) 'zero cats, 1 cat, 7 cats' >
Examples Continued> '0 cats, 1 cat, 7 cats'.replace(/\d+/g, function(match) { const n = Number(match); if (n === 0) { return 'zero'; } else if (n === 1) { return 'one'; } else { return 'many'; } }) 'zero cats, one cat, many cats' >
Searches for match of this in String str
. Return value
similar to String.prototype.match()
. Traditionally used
with a global regexp with flag /g
to match repeatedly in
a loop:
const regex = /.../g; let m; while ( (m = regex.exec(str)) ) { ... }
Searches for match of this in String str
. Returns
if search successful, false
Standard regular expressions cannot be used to recognize nested constructs for an arbitrary nesting depth.
For example, it is not possible to write a regex for strings of
balanced parentheses like '((()))'
for an arbitrary depth of
Colloquially, regex's cannot count.
It is always possible to write a regex for a nested construct when the maximum depth of nesting is bounded. For example, all strings of balanced parentheses of depth upto 2 can be written by simply enumerating all possibilities:
/( \( ( \(\) )* \) )*/
where the whitespace is used only for formatting and should be ignored.
> function time(fn) { t0 =; fn(); return - t0; } > re = /^(a|aa)+$/ /^(a|aa)+$/ > time(() => ('a'.repeat(30) + 'c').match(re)) 18 > time(() => ('a'.repeat(40) + 'c').match(re)) 1835 > time(() => ('a'.repeat(46) + 'c').match(re)) 32408 >
Hardcoded to crawl only cs544 website.
Does not crawl links inserted dynamically by JavaScript.
Look for href=
links. Does so in a matchAll()
loop using a
global regex specified using the g
flag (could also use
RegExp exec()
Also uses regex's to extract a page title if possible.
For each referenced page we track its url, title and referers.
Uses a BFS toDos
agenda. URL put onto agenda only if it is
new, extends the start cs544 start URL and looks like a HTML
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, Mastering Regular Expressions, 3rd Edition, O'Reilly, 2006.