Archived Announcements

Jul 6

A solution to Project 2 is available

Jun 29
  1. There will be no classes next week.

  2. I will not have any office hours next week.

  3. The oral midterms which will be held on Wednesdays after the break will cover:

    • All slides up to and including Functions.

    • All homework, projects and exercises (relevant to the above).

Jun 27

Homework 2 is available (source).

Jun 24

A solution to Homework 1 is available (source); hw1-sol.ts.

Jun 23

Project 2 is available (source).

Jun 22

A solution to Project 1 is available; README.

Jun 20

If you have not already done so, please sign and submit your Academic Honesty Statement using brightspace (under Assignments) by the end of today. You will not receive any grades until you do so.

Jun 15
  1. More JavaScript Exercises are available.

  2. You should have received an email providing you with a link for setting up a password to use to access your personal home page on the course website.

Jun 13
  1. Homework 1 is available (source).

  2. Please reserve a single slot for your oral midterm using this link.

Jun 8
  1. Project 1 is available (source).

  2. If you have not already done so, please sign and submit your Academic Honesty Statement using brightspace (under Assignments). You will not receive any grades until you do so.

Jun 6

Exercises are available.

Jun 1
  1. If you were registered for this course as of Monday, you should have received an email from me providing you with your VM details. Please let me know if that is not the case.

    Please follow the VM set up directions to set up your VM ASAP.

  2. The course mailing list has been set up.

May 30

Please sign and submit your Academic Honesty Statement using brightspace (under Assignments).