Project 4

Due: July 30, before midnight

Important Reminder: As per the course Academic Honesty Statement, cheating of any kind will minimally result in your letter grade for the entire course being reduced by one level.

This document first describes the aims of this project followed by a brief overview. It then lists the requirements as explicitly as possible. It describes the files with which you have been provided. Finally, it provides some hints as to how the project requirements can be met.


The aims of this project are as follows:

Overall Architecture

In this project you will be interacting with three programs shown in the following block diagram:

The project involves two servers:

  • A server which implements web services for spreadsheets. This is the server you essentially implemented in your previous project. You can use the already running server on <> or a local instance running on https://localhost:2345.

  • A development server run by the parcel bundler on port 2346 which makes it possible to load all your project files into a browser. Note that this server is not used once the project has been loaded into your browser, making the project a Single-Page App.

All the code you implement in this project will run entirely within a browser, which typically will be running on your VM. The JavaScript code will be loaded into the browser from the parcel server. Once loaded into the browser, this code will make direct requests to the web services server using the fetch API.


You must push a submit/prj4-sol directory to your github repository such that typing npm ci within that directory followed by tsc and npm start will start a web server on localhost at port 2346. This server should provide access to a single-page app which should allow displaying spreadsheets.

The app should render a spreadsheet as shown below (the image was captured with cell d1 focused):

The operation of the app is illustrated in this video.

You will need to modify the provided spreadsheet.ts and ss-ws.ts files to implement the application. You are being provided with all the static HTML for your project as an index.html file.

Provided Files

The prj4-sol directory contains a start for your project. It contains the following files:


A skeleton file which is responsible for implementing the spreadsheet display and behavior. This is where you will add most of your code.


A skeleton file which should call Project 3 web services to implement an object exporting largely the same interface as SpreadsheetServices from the library provided for the solution to Project 2 (this library was also used by your previous project). You will be updating this file to implement a core method.


This file sets up the top level UI for the application. You should not need to change this file.


This file contains utility code. It exports an Error class used for displaying errors and a makeElement() function which is a thin convenience wrapper around the DOM API to create DOM elements. You may add to this file if necessary.


The top-level JavaScript file which is included by index.html. It creates an instance of the overall application once the DOM of the static index.html is ready in the browser. You should not need to modify this file.


The top-level entry page for the application. It simply provides the page heading and a container into which the app is dynamically rendered. You should not need to modify this file.


A crude stylesheet for the project referenced by index.html. You should not need to change it.


A package.json file for this project which lists all necessary npm scripts and dependencies. You should not need to modify this file.


A configuration file for the tsc TypeScript compiler. You should not need to modify this file.


A file telling git the paths which should not be committed to the repository. You should not need to modify this file.


A README file which must be submitted along with your project. It contains an initial header which you must complete (replace the dummy entries with your name, B-number and email address at which you would like to receive project-related email). After the header you may include any content which you would like read during the grading of your project.

The extras directory contains a sample of the generated HTML:


This captures the dynamic HTML for the spreadsheet table corresponding to the above image.


A file containing test data for a spreadsheet.

Browser API

It is a good idea to review some of the browser API's you will need for this project:

Fetch API

The fetch() API will be used in this project to access Project 3 web services:

    fetch(url, {
      method: method,
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      body: JSON.stringify(data)

is used to send an HTTP method request to url sending data as JSON in the request body. This can be used to call the Project 3 Web Services with code outlined by the following pseudo-code:

    try {
      const response =
        await fetch(url, { method, body });
	const data = await response.json();
        if (data has errors) {
          return error result;
	else {
	  return success result;
      catch (err) {
        return error result;


To build HTML dynamically in the browser you may find some of the following APIs useful:

  • el.querySelector(sel): This returns the first element selected by CSS selector sel within element el.

  • el.querySelectorAll(sel): This returns a NodeList containing all elements selected by CSS selector sel within element el.

    Note that NodeList is not a full-fledged JavaScript array. Though it does allow iteration using forEach(), it does not support array methods like map() and join(). A nodeList can be converted into a full-fledged array by spreading it into an array using [...nodeList].

  • addEventListener() can be used to add an event listener to a target element.

    The event listener (aka handler) will be called with an event ev as its first argument. It is important to distinguish between ev.currentTarget and as they may not be the same. The former refers to the element which registered the event, whereas the latter refers to the element which initiated the event.

    For example, assume that a <button> element contains a <span> element and the <button> element registers a click event. If the user clicks on the contained <span> element, then will reference the <span> element, whereas ev.currentTarget will reference the <button> element. This is important to keep in mind if the event handler tries to extract some attributes from the event target. See this MDN article.

    It is also important to understand this within an event handler. If the handler is defined using an arrow function, then as usual, this will be inherited from the context within which it was defined. OTOH, if the handler is defined using a function keyword, then this will be always be set to ev.currentTarget.

    So if a handler defined as a regular class method needs to refer to the instance of the class, then it will typically be necessary to rebind this for those methods so that it will reference the object instance rather than the DOM element which registered the handler.

    OTOH, this is not necessary if a handler is defined using a class property initialized to a fat-arrow function since fat-arrow functions inherit this from the surrounding context; i.e. this will reference the object instance.

  • innerHTML is a read/write property representing the serialization of an element's children into HTML. Note that assigning to this property will dynamically parse the inserted HTML and insert the results of the parse into the DOM.

    In particular, assigning an empty string to the innerHTML property of an element will clear out that element.

  • textContent allows accessing the text content of a DOM node and its children. Note that unlike innerHTML, assigning to textContent does not parse the inserted content; this makes it a much safer alternative to innerHTML avoiding cross-site scripting attacks.

Note that the makeElement() function provided in utils.ts implements a wrapper around createElement() and setAttribute().


The URL API provides an easy way to build properly escaped URLs. Of particular interest is the searchParams property which can be used to build up properly escaped query parameters.

The usage will be something like

const searchUrl = new URL(wsUrl);
const qParamName = ...;
const qParamValue = ...;
searchUrl.searchParams.set(qParamName, qParamValue);
//url.href contains properly escaped URL with ?qParamName=qParamValue

Parcel Bundler

This project will use the parcel bundler to bundle multiple JavaScript, HTML and CSS files together and serve them to the browser in a single bundle. Parcel is pointed to the root of an app like an index.html page and bundles together all direct and indirect dependencies. It also provides a development server with Hot Module Replacement HMR which makes the development experience reasonably pleasant.

Parcel's HMR is not 100% reliable. If you are getting behavior which does not make sense, it is probably a good idea to stop the parcel server, remove the .parcel-cache and dist directories and restart with a clean slate. You can do this easily by using npm run clean.

If you have syntax errors in your code, the browser displays the errors on a black background. Again, if those errors don't make sense, it is a good idea to try a clean restart of the parcel server to see if they disappear.

Changes in Project 3 Web Services

This project requires a minor backward compatible change in Project 3 Web Services to facilitate loading of a spreadsheet. Specifically, the Get-Spreadsheet service GET BASE/SS_NAME takes an additional optional doValues query parameter.

  • If this query parameter is specified, then the service will return a success envelope result containing an array of [ string, string, number ] triples representing the [ CELL_ID, EXPR, VALUE ] for all non-deleted cells in spreadsheet SS_NAME.

  • If this query parameter is not specified, then the service will act as in Project 3 returning a success envelope result containing an array of [ string, string ] pairs representing the [ CELL_ID, EXPR ] of all non-deleted cells in spreadsheet SS_NAME.

Error Architecture

Project 3 web services return errors using a response of the form:

    { isOk: false,
      status: number,
      errors: [ { message, options?: { code?, widget? }, } ],

This will need to be converted into an error Result similar to that from your earlier projects. It is also possible that the fetch() request itself fails, resulting in an exception. That exception too will need to be converted into an error Result.

Given an erroneous response, the application needs to display the errors. The Errors class provided by utils.ts can be used to display a list of errors within a top-level <ul class="error" id="errors"></ul> container generated within the top-level UI.

The Spreadsheet in the Client

The spreadsheet will be implemented as a table within a browser in the obvious way. Each spreadsheet cell will be implemented as a editable <td> element having its class attribute set to cell and its id attribute set to the cell ID (like a1, d7, etc).

This project will also maintain all spreadsheet data within the DOM using attributes. Recall from class that the HTML standards allow custom data-* attributes.

  • We will using the custom attribute data-value on a spreadsheet cell element to hold the value of the cell.

  • We will using the custom attribute data-expr on a spreadsheet cell element to hold the expression associated with the cell.

Focusing a cell should display its expression (grabbed from its data-expr attribute); unfocusing a cell should display its value (after any possible updates).

When the contents of a cell is copied (using ^C), then the cell being copied is indicated visually by giving it a dotted border. This can be achieved by giving the cell element a class attribute containing is-copy-source.


The following points are worth noting:

  • As in your earlier projects, tsc puts its JavaScript code in the dist directory. Since this directory contains only generated code, it can safely be deleted and should not be submitted along with the source code for the project.

  • Parcel uses the target directory to hold its bundles and .parcel-cache as a cache. These directories too can be safely deleted and should not be submitted along with the source code for the project.

  • There are two scripts in the provided package.json which you can use when developing your project:

    1. npm run watch: this will run tsc in watch mode: changes to any file previously compiled by tsc will cause it to be recompiled.

    2. npm start: parcel will bundle all application resources together in the target folder and start a development server running on port 2346. This server too runs in watch mode; any changes in any of its dependent files should result in the server restarting.

    Ideally, changing a .ts file should cause it to be recompiled into the dist directory which should then result in the parcel server restarting. This works most of the time but is not 100% reliable.

    If you encounter a situation where a change you made is not being reflected in the browser, then remove all generated directories using npm run clean which does the equivalent of:

        $ rm -rf dist target .parcel-cache

    and then restart the above servers.

  • There are two parts to this project:

    1. Accessing the Project 3 web services using the browser's fetch() API.

    2. Using the DOM API to implement the application.

      You will need to set up the following handlers:

      1. A handler to clear the spreadsheet.

      2. A handler which will be run when a spreadsheet data cell is focused.

      3. A handler which will be run when a spreadsheet data cell loses focus.

      4. A handler which will be run for a copy action on a spreadsheet data cell.

      5. A handler which will be run for a paste action on a spreadsheet data cell.

  • When you ask the DOM for an element using methods like querySelector(), TypeScript believes that the call may fail returning a null if the element does not exist. If you are sure that the element must exist, you can let TypeScript know by adding a non-null assertion to the call using a postfix ! operator as in document.querySelector('#clear')!.

  • Your browser will be making requests to the web services running on zdu:2345 or localhost:2345. The browser will usually fail the requests since the services use a self-signed web certificate. Hence it is imperative that you point your browser to <> or <https://localhost:2345> and click through the certificate warnings so that your application will have access to the web services.

  • It should go without saying that you should always refactor your code into small well-defined methods. In typescript you can make implementation details private by using the private keyword.

The following steps are not prescriptive in that you may choose to ignore them as long as you meet all project requirements.

  1. Read the project requirements thoroughly. Look at the video to make sure you understand the necessary behavior. Review all the material covered in class.

    Glance through the docs for APIs linked earlier in this document.

  2. Set up your prj4-sol branch and submit/prj4-sol as per your previous projects. Note that the provided prj4-sol starter directory already contains a package.json.

  3. Install all dependencies using npm install.

  4. If you decide to run your own instance of Project 3 Web Services, then start up the Project 3 server on your VM. Note that since there is a minor change in those web services, you should be running the server provided in prj3-sol.

    You do not need to do this step if you are using the Project 3 web services running on zdu:2345.

  5. Set up your browser to accept self-signed certificates for Project 3 web services.

  6. You should now be able to run the project. First use npm run watch to run tsc with a watch option for automated recompiles followed by

        $ npm start

    in another terminal.

    This will run the parcel developmental server on port 2346.

    If you point your browser to <http://localhost:2346>, you should see a page containing the input widgets for specifying the web service URL and spreadsheet name. Providing inputs for these widgets should allow you to "load" a spreadsheet, displaying an empty table. You will be able to type into the table cells but your input will be ignored.

  7. Replace the XXX entries in the README template and commit your project to github.

  8. Open your copy of the skeleton file ss-ws.ts. Look through the definition of the SpreadsheetWs class. Notice that all its methods are simple wrappers which call doFetchJson().

    The header for doFetchJson() is towards the end of the file but its implementation is incomplete. Implement the function as per its specs. Use the docs for fetch() and the specs for the response envelope from Project 3.

  9. Open your copy of spreadsheet.ts. Look through the provided code. The fully implemented makeEmptySS() method renders an empty N_ROWS \(\times\) N_COLS spreadsheet <table>. The unimplemented addListeners() method is to be used by you for attaching listeners for different events on spreadsheet elements.

    Note that an instance of the Spreadsheet is created with the following readonly instance variables:


    An instance of SpreadsheetWs which you implemented in the previous step.


    The name of the spreadsheet.


    An instance of the Errors class defined in utils.ts which can be used for reporting errors within the browser.

    You will be adding more instance variables as your project progresses.

  10. Implement the load() method as per its specs. You will need to call the appropriate web service using the ws instance variable to get the ID, expression and value of each active cell.

    • If the method returns an error result, then report the error(s) using the errors instance variable.

    • If the method returns a success result, then set up the corresponding spreadsheet cells in the DOM. For each cell specified in the result, simply access the corresponding element using its ID and update the element's data-expr and data-value attributes and also set its textContent to the cell value.

    You should now be able to load your spreadsheet. A successful load provides some validation for your implementation of doFetchJson() in the previous step.

  11. Set up a handler for clearing the spreadsheet within the addListeners() method. You can use document.querySelector() to get hold of the #clear button element and then use addEventListener() to cause a "click" event to transfer control to a suitable handler.

    The handler should call the corresponding web service. If there are no errors, then it should reflect that success by clearing out the content and attributes of all .cell elements.

    [Once you have successfully implemented this step, you will have cleared out all the data in your spreadsheet. You can restore the data for subsequent steps by directly using a Project 3 web service to reload it.

    Use curl to invoke the load web service:

        $ curl -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
             -X PUT -d @$HOME/cs544/projects/prj4/extras/test2-ss.json \

    where WS_URL is the URL which you are using for the Project 3 web services.]

  12. Implement cell focus behavior. For all .cell elements set up a handler for the focusin event. The handler should simply set the cell's text content to the value of its data-expr attribute.

  13. Implement cell blur behavior. For all .cell elements set up a handler for the focusout event. The handler can assume that the target cell is currently focused; hence its text content will be the cell expression.

    1. The handler can read the text content of the target. This should be a spreadsheet expression which may have been edited by the user.

    2. If the trimmed content is empty, then the handler can simply call the web service for removing a cell; otherwise it should call the web service for evaluating a cell.

    3. Both web service calls have the same success result type: an object containing the values of updated cells. So updating the cells is a simple matter of iterating over this object and applying the corresponding updates and copying the text contents of the blurred cell into its data-expr attribute.

    There is one complication. Assume that you have focus in cell X and then blur cell X to focus on cell Y.

    1. Blurring cell X will start one of the above web services (clear cell or evaluate). This event handler will suspend waiting for the web service result.

    2. While the blur event hander for cell X is suspended, the focus handler for cell Y will run. It will set up cell Y to display its expression.

    3. The web service call which suspended the event handler for cell X completes successfully. When the event handler for cell X continues its applies updates to all affected cells. If cell Y is among the affected cells, then its content will be set to the cell value.

    4. The last step violates the assumption that the contents of a focused cell should always be the cell expression. Hence when it is blurred, the cell value will incorrectly get copied into its data-expr attribute.

    The fix is very simple: updates should not be applied to the currently focused cell. Hence the focus handler can remember the currently focused cell id in an instance variable, the updates should not be applied to this cell id and the blur handler for a cell can always clear out this instance variable.

    You should now have basic spreadsheet functionality fully working.

  14. Implement the copy-paste behavior by setting up handlers for copy and paste events on every .cell element. In an attempt to allow you to discover things for yourself, the hints given here are purposely vague.

    The copy handler does not need to copy anything into the clipboard; it should merely remember the cellId in an instance variable. It should also add in the is-copy-source class attribute to the source cell element (this is used to style the dotted border around the source cell).

    The paste handler for a destination cell should invoke the copy web service using the destination cell ID along with the source cell ID remembered in the spreadsheet instance variable. A successful web service call should trigger an update of all affected cells (handling these updates is similar to handling the updates resulting from a blur and is a good opportunity to share code between the two different events). Note that the expression for the destination cell (which may be relocated from that for the source cell) can be obtained from the query web service.

  15. Iterate until you meet all requirements.

It is a good idea to commit and push your project periodically whenever you have made significant changes. When complete, please follow the procedure given in the git setup document to merge your prj4-sol branch into your main branch and submit your project to the grader via github.

Submit as per your previous project. Before submitting, please update your README to document the status of your project:

  • Document known problems. If there are no known problems, explicitly state so.

  • Anything else which you feel is noteworthy about your submission.

If you want to make sure that your github submission is complete, clone your github repo into a new directory, say ~/tmp and then do a npm ci to build and run your project.